Pet sitting jobs can be a great way to earn extra income. However, they are also challenging. Not only are you expected to care for the pet, but you may also be required to clean up after it. The job can involve taking dogs out for walks, feeding them, and providing them with fresh food and water.
Pet owners have different needs, and you may have to adjust your schedule to meet theirs. It is a good idea to become familiar with the pet’s body language, likes and dislikes, and its routines. You may also be asked to take care of household tasks, such as switching lights or bringing in the mail.
Before taking a pet sitting job, you should consider the following:
A background check is an important part of the hiring process. Some companies require that you have experience with animals before applying for a position. Additionally, you may be asked to provide references. This can help you get a better idea of the company’s culture and whether or not you’ll be a good fit for the company.
While many pet sitting companies have standard recruiting procedures, you can also find pet sitting jobs on social networking sites. For example, Facebook is a popular place to post. Many members in the community have created a social media group specifically for pet sitters, which can give you an opportunity to connect with local clients. In addition to the groups, you can also look for postings in the news.
You can also ask friends if they know of any pet sitting jobs in your area. These people may have access to jobs through their employer. If they are not able to help you, they can recommend a reputable company.
There are also online career tests that can match you to potential jobs. You can choose a test that matches your interests and strengths. Whether or not you decide to become a pet sitter, you will have to be prepared to work long hours.
Having a certification is a great way to stand out from the crowd. Certifications typically include courses such as animal CPR and business operations. They can help you build a solid reputation and increase your employability.
Regardless of which option you choose, you should keep in mind that the pet sitting industry is growing rapidly. With a steady increase in pet ownership, the demand for pet sitters is set to grow in the coming years. Besides, pet sitting is a rewarding, challenging, and fun job.
When you find a pet sitting job, be sure to make a point of contacting the owner before accepting the job. Ask about their expectations and logistics for the job. Also, be prepared to have a backup plan in case you can’t reach the owner. After all, you don’t want to lose your client’s house keys or break a glass table.
Pet sitters may have to move from house to house. This can be physically demanding and can lead to burnout. Make sure that you have insurance that covers any injuries you may sustain while working with a client. Liability insurance is a good policy to have, especially if you are going to be handling sensitive pets.