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dog walking

The idea of walking dogs might seem like a walk in the park, but for some dog lovers it can be a stressful experience. From overcoming behavior issues to managing distractions, dog walking is not always an easy task. Fortunately, a few quick tips can make the process much more enjoyable for both you and your furry friend.

First and foremost, it is crucial that you have an up-to-date poop bag with you while walking. In addition, be sure to keep water for both yourself and your dog on hand, especially during hot weather. It’s also a good idea to keep a phone number for the owner in case of an emergency during your shift. Lastly, it’s important to read all of the details of a walk request before accepting. This will include the dates/time of the walk, type of walk and information on the pet. It’s best to stick with a schedule that the Pet Parent approves of, but be flexible if needed due to inclement weather or other factors.

Dogs have up to three million scent receptors, so allowing them time during walks to sniff is just part of their natural process of experiencing their surroundings. By doing so, they learn more about the world around them. Additionally, sniffing is good for their mental stimulation and helps to eliminate surplus energy.

While a dog is on their walk, they should be able to sniff, explore and even play with other dogs if appropriate. However, it’s important that they stay on their leash and listen to you. When they are listening, you can give them commands such as “watch me” or “look at me.”

Walking has numerous health benefits for both people and their pets. For instance, sedentary lifestyles lead to stiff joints, which can be a problem for both humans and their pets. Exercise, especially walking, improves joint health by increasing blood flow and lubricating the joints with nutrients. Additionally, it can help regulate the digestive system and prevent urinary tract infections by emptying the bladder regularly.

Dog walking can be a great way to get more exercise, socialize with other people and animals, and just enjoy the outdoors. It is a simple, inexpensive activity that provides many health benefits for both humans and their pets. For more information about the benefits of walking your dog, talk to your vet. They can recommend an exercise schedule based on your dog’s age, health and breed.